The Pembroke Housing Authority (PHA) was chartered as a corporation on January 29, 1992, pursuant to the General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 157, Housing Authorities Law, to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to the low-income citizens of Pembroke and surrounding areas. Operating in accordance with the regulations of the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) as provided for by the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, the PHA, a public housing agency, is governed by a 5-member Board of Commissioners. The Mayor of the Town of Pembroke appoints Commissioners to 5-year terms that are staggered within the group so that no more than one Commissioner's term ends in any given calendar year.
The PHA receives funding from federal, state, and local sources in the form of subsidies, grants, rental receipts, and investment income.
The PHA owns and manages 243 units funded through the Housing Act of 1937. These units are distributed among five sites - Dial Terrace, Chavis Park, Locklear Court, Maynor Manor, and Strickland Heights - all located within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Pembroke.